Costa Rica – Witches Rock Surfing – La Roca Bruja

click here Wow what a special place! Witches Rock (Roca Bruja or Pena Bruja) is located in Santa Rosa National Park in Northern Costa Rica. The actual beach is called Playa Naranjo and Witches Rock is the mesmerizing massive rock monument sitting in the ocean right in front of the best surfing on the beach. Most people take a boat here from Tamarindo just to surf, and never set foot on the beach. I was luckily that I got to spend 5 days here camping and surfing, and mostly had this beautiful place to myself. [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Sunset surf Roca Bruja.  Just Perfection.” type=”image” alt=”IMG_4338.JPG” ]

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Playa Naranjo was the first place I camped in Costa Rica. Jenine was still at her Yoga Teacher training in the southern caribbean side of Costa Rica, and I had about one week until we were going to meet up in the capital San Jose. As I was doing the border crossing from Nicaragua to Costa Rica, a border crossing “helper” was sort of assisting me, and I was talking to him about where I should go first to surf. He told me I had to make “La Roca Bruja” my first stop. So after I crossed in Costa Rica, that is exactly what I did.

click here I didn’t know anything about the place, other than it has good surfing. Here is what I learned upon entering the park (Santa Rosa National Park)

see url 1. It is $20/ night / person to camp in the Park, with only a primitive pit toilet. Pack in and pack out all of your supplies and garbage. No pets. It is one of the largest dry tropical forest in the world and one of Costa Rica’s most picturesque parks. Students and scientists come from all over the world to study the vegetation and wildlife at the park. I brought in two hitch hikers into the park, when they found out how expensive it was to camp, they had to turn around and try to hitch hike back out. Welcome to Costa Rica, where everything is so expensive. 2. To get to the beach (Playa Naranjo), it is an 11KM / 6 miles tough 4×4 road. Few people make this journey (maybe 5-10 surfers a day at most). Most surfers take boats out here from Tamaridno only to surf in front of Witches Rock.

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enter 3. The surfing here is some of the best in Costa Rica. Apparently this break was made famous in Endless Summer II.

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follow 4. It is one of the most perfect places I’ve ever been.

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source url That’s about all there is to say. I camped in our van for 5 nights and surfed mornings at 6am before the boats came around 9am. And then again around 4pm when the boats of surfers left. Even the boats only brought a small crowd (10-15 ish).

Can U Get Tramadol Online If you want to make a trip here I recommend camping and making arrangements through a local I met named Eladio his website is

go to site He can take you into the park every day, or set you up with camping inside the park! I highly recommend this because these sunsets are among the most beautiful I’ve seen. [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Sunset at Roca Bruja” type=”image” alt=”IMG_4377.JPG” ]

follow url BTW- We are currently in Colombia, Titus made it safely in the shipping container and now we are on the road again! See all the Witches Rock Pics:
[pe2-gallery album=”” ]

4 thoughts on “Costa Rica – Witches Rock Surfing – La Roca Bruja”

  1. enter site Wow George! Looks beautiful and peaceful. As I look through your pics, I am memorized. WOW! What a wonderful find. Nice to know, the person who gave you this info knew his stuff! Stay safe! We are sending you and Jenine lots of loves!

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